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(9) – Know your number. How can you lose or gain weight if you don’t know how much you’re eating? Usually people eat too much, too little. It’s safe to assume that most people who want to lose weight simply eat less. But what less? Less than what? It’s smart to know your numbers as this will help you gauge what’s going on. “Calories vs Calories” is a resource to help you understand what’s going on. What foods contain what and how much etc. Calorie tracking/counting is not necessary but SUPPORTS A LOT. (10) Exercise – you’re talking about building muscle – this comes from breaking down muscle and rebuilding it with protein. Excess is not needed for muscle growth, protein is needed. I always say take at least 100g to be consistent. 100 grams is 400 kcal. Muscles need glucose to function, so I would eat enough carbs to replenish my glycogen levels in preparation for my next workout. Then eat fat to cover the Kim Kardashian I Love Nerds Shirt and I love this rest of your calories, whether in excess or deficiency. You can build muscle and lose weight in the same day, but not at the same time (I explain in point 10). Muscle building = breaking down muscle and rebuilding it with protein. Weight loss = deficiency. Tell me why can’t this happen? Some people fear losing muscle during periods of shortage. ARE NOT. Eat protein. Eat some more. Some believe that a surplus is needed to build muscle. ARE NOT. Excess leads to fat gain. Even if the excess calories come from protein. Everything has a number. Find out what’s right for you. That’s why point 9 is important.

(11) “You can’t burn fat (lose weight) and build muscle at the Kim Kardashian I Love Nerds Shirt and I love this same time” – you can. Protein builds muscles. Deficiency causes weight loss. What you can’t do is: You can’t burn fat and store it at the same time as you burn and then store it. You can’t lose weight and gain weight at the same time. BUT, you can do it all in one day. Have you ever heard that the “fat burning” process stops when you eat carbohydrates? This is because the body cannot burn carbohydrates and fat at the same time. It must be this or that. So if you always eat, you will be overweight because your body is always storing fat. It is not even possible to burn dietary fat and burn body fat at the same time. It is one or the other. What does it mean? Eat less = burn less = store less. This may be confusing in the text, but it is the same as eating carbs = burning carbs = storing carbs AND eating fat = burning fat = storing fat AND eating carbs and fat = burning carbs and fat = storing carbs and fat. Always important “burns sugar” vs “burns fat”. Well, which one do you eat more of? Fats or carbohydrates? Bingo! Eat more carbs and you burn more carbs = you burn sugar. Eat more fat and burn more fat = fat burners. Opinion? Don’t worry about losing weight and building muscle at the same time, just hit every aspect. Protein for muscles. Deficiency to lose weight by fat.

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